北里大学 未来工学部 データサイエンス学科大学院 未来工学研究科 生命データサイエンス専攻
Kitasato University | School of Frontier Engineering | Department of Data Sceince || Graduate School of Frontier Engineering | Division of Biomedical Data Science |

Data Modelling Group

ニュース / News

  • グエン先生が着任しました
    Dr Phuong NGUYEN has assumed the Assistant Professor role.
  • ようこそ修士2年生(2名)!
    One MEng student has joined the group—welcome!
  • 北里大学大学院未来工学研究科開設!
    Grand opening of the Graduate School of Frontier Engineering!
  • 北里大学未来工学部データサイエンス学科2年目スタート!
    The Depatment of Data Science has entered its second year.
  • 力丸先生のインタビュー記事が「大学Times」に掲載されました.

研究室について / About us



We are a research group within the Department of Data Science, the School of Frontier Engineering founded at Kitasato University in April 2023!

Data Science aims to uncover deterministic and/or probabilistic patterns from data, formalising and disseminating them as tangible knowledge. It is a discipline that delineates implicit knowledge, or experience, accumulated in data. Despite being a specialised research field in data, Data Science possesses a transdisciplinary nature due to the abstractness and concreteness that data embody, like two sides of the same coin. We aim to develop general theories for data and modelling, collaborating nationally and internationally with researchers in various fields of science. Our ultimate goal is to advance the field of Data Science with our data analysis and modelling expertise in addressing real-world challenges across diverse domains.

大学院修士課程 / Join our master's programme!


We have launched a master's programme in Data Science, April 2024! Are you interested in doing a two-year research master (MEng) with us? Please feel free to reach out! We are always excited to hear ideas from prospective/motivated students. For the admission details, please check upon the University web page: HERE. If you are interested in applying for scholarships, you can find more details from HERE.

研究室メンバー / Staff and Members